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Short News

Canada: West is best

The east-west regional divide that characterized Canada before the recession is about to return, as the country moves from stimulus to restraint and commodity prices and the dollar remain strong. These influences will combine to favour Western Canada over the rest of the country. Growth is expected to top three per cent in Western Canada, but in Central Canada, growth should soften to 2.6 per cent in Ontario and 2.5 per cent in Quebec, while the Maritimes are expected to "meander along" at about two per cent. (February 2nd, 2011)
Source: Ottawa Citizen

Outsourcing in reverse

One group of companies expanding employment in the U.S. these days, surprisingly, are the Indian outsourcing companies. Pramod Bhasin, CEO of Genpact, says his firm has doubled its employment in the U.S. in the last three years. Bhasin says he expects the number to continue to grow in the years ahead. The reason? It's because he needs to get closer to his customers. It's not political, he says; it's just good business.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Consultants advise German tool building industry to go East

Roland Berger Strategy Consultants stress that economic growth will move increasingly to China - and therefore the German tool making industry needs a new strategy. All standard products should be produced in China, recommend the consultants. Export-only is not good enough, claims Berger partner Martin Eisenhut. (February 2nd, 2011)
Source: Handelsblatt

Fired for absenteeism

It is not rare for teachers to leave their posts without authorisation and not come back on time in China's colleges. However Hunan University, according to the Changsha Evening News, is the first to expel a large number of staff members for these reasons. Recently, 26 teachers at Hunan University, including six professors, were notified that they had been laid off because they left their posts without authorisation. (February 2nd, 2011)
Source: University World News

Your Career according to your zodiac

If you are not sure in today's cosmos that you chose the right vocation, do not despair! Career astrology can help to clear the confusion in deciding the correct path and stand out. And if not - it's good fun anyway! A learned astrologist from China claims to draw a career horoscope on grounds of your birth details.
Source: Jobstreet


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