
Attracting the bankers of the future

According to research by Deloitte, banking is a less attractive career choice amongst business students than before the start of the financial crisis in 2008. Other industries, especially computing and IT have become more popular. Students are most concerned with training and development, ranking it first amongst 40 business attributes, a good salary comes 7th

Business students want both fun and guidance from their first job, attributes they do not expect to find in banking, reports Deloitte after surveying 108,000 business students from 1,350 universities. The top career goal of those contemplating a job in banking is work life balance, a rise from 5th place in 2008. More than half of business students also expect to move on from their first employer within three years.


Banking is most popular with students in South Africa and least so amongst students in Germany. Students in developing countries associate banking with stability, those in developed countries with money and prestige.

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