

Telekom Innovation Contest

Deutsche Telekom is looking for young start-ups, individuals or teams that want to develop a real product or service during 2013. The award-winning idea will be supported with resources worth up to 500,000 Euro. According to the company, the ideal idea shines by introducing new technologies or patterns, new ways of combining or using technology, infrastructure, products or services and the promise of a unique and original user experience.

Candidates send in a brief overview (250 characters max.), a description of the idea (5,000 characters max.), a description of state-of-the art technology used (2,500 characters max.), envisioned impact on Deutsche Telekom companies upon integration (2,500 characters max.), originality and advantages of idea (2,500 characters max.) and team information. Submission Deadline is March 31st, 2013.

(03|2013) Source: Telekom

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