Employers express early optimism for 2013 hiring
Job markets are looking up for those with graduate-level degrees, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).
Uncertainty hangs over many of the world’s economies, but the job market for 2013 graduates, particularly those with graduate-level degrees, may be looking up, according to a survey of 201 employers conducted by GMAC.
GMAC's 2012 Year-End Poll of Employers finds that 76 per cent of employers expect to hire new MBA graduates in 2013. Just 69 per cent of them hired class of 2012 graduates. Of the employers planning to hire MBAs in 2013, 56 per cent plan to offer starting base salaries that keep pace with inflation (43 per cent) or exceed it (13 per cent).
(01.2013) Source: GMAC
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