
Erasmus programme will proceed – for now

The European Union’s Erasmus student exchange programme will get funding next year. Before it had seemed likely that Erasmus would be forced to cut students’ grants from early in 2013.

Photo: Lupo / Pixelio

The Erasmus cash had been caught up in a budget deadlock lasting months and the issue was only resolved lately, when the European Parliament rubber-stamped a deal agreed upon by EU ministers. The EU released a 90 million euro special corrective sum for Erasmus. But will it last?

The solution is temporary, and a replay of the crisis in a year’s time cannot be ruled out. “The commission fears that the EU will face another budget shortfall next autumn," said Dennis Abbott, the education spokesperson. At the heart of the problem is the pressure on domestic budgets, which has made many of the 27 EU member states hostile to any increase in EU spending.

The UK, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden led the campaign against any increase this year and only limited rises in the years up to 2020.

The agreed budget for next year includes a 6.4 per cent increase in EU research and development funding as well as funds to keep the Lifelong Learning Programme running.

EU Commissioner for Education Androulla Vassiliou said the deal was "a big boost for Erasmus students" and was "a positive signal that Europe is committed to investing in education and skills".

(01.2013) Source: University World News

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