

Career resilience key to today’s business world

Today it’s not sufficient anymore to be loyal to your employer. The new characteristics that everyone – employee, freelancer or contractor – needs, is resilience. Resilience is your security key as it involves anticipating risks, accepting change, limiting damage during difficult times and surviving even the hardest knock-backs.

Even after a setback you’ve got to bounce back stronger than before, look at the future, spot new trends and keep being curious and willing to learn.

How do you build resilience?

  1. Get connected. Even if you’re in a good position currently, try to network and stay connected. Positive relationships, an extended circle of industry professionals, mentors as well as people that you mentor might make the difference when you need a new job in the future.

  2. Stay optimistic or in other words: don’t think too much about things that could go wrong.

  3. Learn and engage in new things – therefore changing yourself frequently as well.

  4. Keep the big picture in mind. Something that might annoy you terribly today will seem completely irrelevant in a few years.

  5. Get/stay in shape physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Manage your fitness and energy level, as well as your time.

(02.2013) Source: Forbes

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