
Global job satisfaction survey: Money doesn’t buy happiness

Money does not buy happiness. According to a new survey people with medium level pay packets are happier with their jobs than those with higher salaries. 60 per cent of those with middle incomes said they liked or loved their job as compared to just over half (52 per cent) of high earners. People with low salaries, however, were the least happy with less than half (47 per cent) saying they were content at work.

These are the outcomes of a survey by online career and recruitment solutions provider Monster Worldwide and Gfk, an independent global market research company. The international survey polled more than 8,000 workers in seven countries.

According to the survey Canadian, Dutch and Indian workers are among the most satisfied with their jobs globally. One in five Indians enjoy their jobs so much – they would even work for free. 64 per cent of Canadians said during the survey that they love or like their jobs a lot, followed by the Netherlands (57 per cent) and Indian workers (55 per cent).

The United States was ranked fourth with 53 per cent, followed by United Kingdom (46 per cent). The last two spots went to France (43 per cent) and Germany (35 per cent) which both had the least job satisfaction amongst its workers. 

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