

Important not arrogant: Google your name

Regularly ‘googling’ your own name is not a sign of arrogance. It is important to check your online credentials and see which links are associated with your name. It is an especially important exercise before you start sending out applications for a job or a university place as HR people, recruiters and admission officers do exactly that – google your name – when they look at a candidate.

Photo: A. Klaus/pixelio

They want to see which kind of person hides behind the standard words in the CV. So which picture do you present online?

  1. Have you got embarrassing party pictures on Facebook or used rude language on    Twitter
  2. Or are you rather selling your own personal brand?
  3. Are you well known in your field and does this reflect on your website, LinkedIn Profile etc?
  4. Do you communicate your key strengths, unique selling points, memorable achievements, career objectives and key personal attributes (i.e. integrity, creativity, reliability) on your professional profile?

If your answer to the first question is no and if all other answers are yes, you might be on the right path. Otherwise: how can you work on your own online image and drive your brand?

  1. Write a blog and post articles about your area of expertise. Use relevant keywords so that Google finds your information rather than someone else’s.
  2. Use Twitter to connect and discuss issues with people in your industry.
  3. Offer your expertise or knowledge to colleagues. These grateful people can become your champions and references so that the next time someone asks for someone with your background, they will think of you.

(02.2013) Source: The Telegraph

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