
USA: Des Moines is best place for your career

North Carolina, Utah and Texas metros populate Forbes’ “best place for business and careers” ranking on the strength of low costs, educated workforces and strong growth, but the head is reserved for Iowa's capital.

Des Moines, Iowa, is the only place that ranks among the top quartile in at least nine of the 12 metrics Forbes graded the cities on. Highlights for the Des Moines metro area include business costs that are 17 per cent below the national average and an educated workforce where 36 per cent of the population has a college degree and 92 per cent possess a high school diploma. Iowa’s capital city has a strong foothold in finance and insurance with the highest concentration of financial services employment in the country, and employers are doubling down on the area. Wells Fargo has added more than 4,000 jobs in Des Moines over the past 10 years and recently announced a new 100 million dollar expansion in the area. Principal Financial, headquartered in Des Moines, is putting 250 dollar million into an expansion of its downtown campus.

Source: Forbes

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