World's Most Inventive Cities
European and North American cities are the most inventive cities in the world according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Surprisingly no Asian cities are listed amongst the top 15 cities worldwide, which are concentrated in northern Europe and the United States. Six cities are in the United States, three in Germany and three in Sweden.
The OECD tracks patent applications for more than 250 cities around the world. It lists the number of patents and patent applications per 10,000 residents. According to the list which was published by Forbes the Dutch town Eindhoven has been ranked as the most inventive city in the world for several years now. Eindhoven produced 22.6 patents for every 10,000 residents. The city is followed by San Diego and San Francisco, but to put Eindhoven’s outstanding inventiveness into perspective, San Diego produced only 8.9 patents for every 10,000 residents. Behind the U.S. cities on place four follows the small Swedish town of Malmo. Malmo is a young, diverse town with nearly half of its population under the age of 35. The following places go to Grenoble in France, Stuttgart in Germany, Boston (U.S.), Stockholm (Sweden), Minneapolis (U.S.), Munich (Germany), Mannheim (Germany), Göteborg (Sweden), Seattle (U.S.), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Raleigh (U.S.).
Source: Forbes
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