Early Job Offers for Management Graduates
The Global Management Education Graduate Survey: Job Search Report for 2013 by GMAC, the organisation that administrates the GMAT for prospective students at business schools, reports early job search success for 5,331 graduating students in the class of 2013 from 159 business schools located in 33 countries.
The key findings this year are
A majority (60 per cent ) of job seekers in the class of 2013 reported receiving an offer of employment at the time of the survey, a finding comparable with last year’s class (62 per cent) and improved from the rates of job offers secured five years ago.
Industries preferred by business and management graduating students were products and services (23 per cent), finance and accounting (22 per cent), and consulting (18 per cent). Yet, high rates of job offers were seen among those who searched in less popular industries, including technology (71 per cent of job seekers with offers), manufacturing (71 per cent), and health care (67 per cent).
Regardless of industry, the most preferred job functions were finance and accounting (27 per cent), followed by marketing and sales (20 per cent), consulting (16 per cent), and general management (14 per cent).
A business school education and previous work experience can be a lucrative combination. Two out of five students had more than six years of work experience. That group, which traditionally has the highest pre-degree salary, expected to see a 57 per cent increase in earnings compared with their pre-degree salary. Graduates with three to six years of prior work experience expected an 83 per cent increase in earnings, and those with less than three years of work experience expected an average salary increase of more than double their pre-degree salary.
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