
Hong Kong's uni now more expensive for foreigners

Hong Kong's eight government-funded universities have raised tuition fees by as much as 20 per cent for non-local students this year, attributing the hike to inflation and a stronger Yuan. More than 10,000 students will be affected.

Chinese University, the University of Science and Technology and City University have all increased the cost of their undergraduate programmes for non-locals from 100,000 Hong Kong Dollars or 13,000 US dollars to HK$120,000 (US$15,500) per year.

The University of Hong Kong will charge non-local undergraduates 135,000 HKD a year – a rise of 16,000 HKD. Polytechnic University, Lingnan University and Baptist University have lifted their fees to 110,000 HKD from 100,000 HKD. The Hong Kong Institute of Education now charges 100,000 HKD a year, an increase of 17.6 per cent. Fees for local students will remain the same.

There are more than 10,000 non-local students at the eight universities, including almost 6,000 undergraduates. About 77 per cent are from mainland China.


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