New free online university for all
Free, credit-bearing online learning has become accessible for students worldwide thanks to the Open Educational Resource university, or OERu. This project of the UNESCO-Commonwealth of Learning OER Chair network started on November 1st, promising to “revolutionise tertiary learning”.
The new initiative is the open educational resource movement’s answer to MOOCs, massive open online courses, offering somewhat more structured, credit-bearing learning in partnership with a university network and including mOOCs, or micro-open online courses.
The OERu makes affordable education accessible to everyone: all students need is an internet connection to study independently from home, with access to world-class courses from recognised institutions around the globe. Students worldwide can now study for free “using courses based on OER, with pathways to gain credible credentials”, as the project managers say.
Users can pay reduced fees if they want to notch up academic credits – and will pay for assessment only if and when they are ready. All the course material is taught online, based on OER, and openly accessible materials on the internet. This means students do not need to buy textbooks.
At the same time, any accredited national institution is welcome to join the OER university network, and the organisers encourage institutions from other countries to join us in our mission to widen access to education.
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