Quantas with heavy losses
The Australian carrier Qantas is expecting heavy losses for the six months to December 31 and has therefore announced it will cut 1000 jobs. The new job cuts that were announced in December follow the news that Qantas has also decided to outsource maintenance jobs to Asian neighbours.
According to local media the airline will shed 300 jobs at its Avalon heavy maintenance base. The Sydney Morning Herald quoted a company spokesman that renewal of fleet and declining major maintenance on aging Qantas 747s were behind the decision to close maintenance in Australia. The latest cuts take the total number of employees Qantas has sacked from its engineering operations over the past 18 months to about 1560. The decision adds more heartache to the Australian town of Geelong near Melbourne, which has endured hundreds of sackings at retailer Target, faces the slated closure of Ford in 2016 and uncertainty over its Shell and Alcoa plants.
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